Friday, September 7, 2007


Self-proclaimed humanists, whether liberal or religious, who go out of the way to bring outsiders into a community because they seek "diversity" or an alleviation of suffering, should be more closely monitored and highly scrutinized. Whether public funds are used initially or in the regular process of social services, too many people are allowed to stick their hands in the collective cookie-jar and give away others assets. With special attention payed to liberals like Ted Kennedy who get drunk off of the superficial self-satisfaction that comes with giving away other peoples money to the disenfranchised. I think a great project, maybe a book, would be to find these people and scrutinize how they live. I remember a CSPAN book that discussed tax-loopholes that many big government types used, but I think further research should be done into their extravagant living styles. Whether it is a Gore style mansion that like a true hypocrite is not energy efficient, a Edwards $400 haircut (enough for the many America's), or someone in the moral majority acting immorally, those who advocate policies that they don't have to deal with should be called on it. Take a picture of Ted Kennedy's house and see how frugal he is or how integrated he is with this or that poor minority. I have seen many liberals force "generous" policies on a community via initiatives like low income housing requirements and they themselves live in expensive homes in gated communities. Madison, WI and Minneapolis/Saint Paul, MN have had experience with certain groups pushing for a more diverse community and facilitating Hmong, Somalian, and South American immigration among many others. Many of these new immigrants appreciate the improvement in their living standards and actively seek to assimilate and contribute, but these types of "admiral" policies can have repercussions for those who live in these new population developments. If the immigrant and "progressive policy" advocates are not willing to bear a burden related to their assertiveness, then they should be called on it and marginalized. Also be aware of anyone who raises the notion of diversity but does not welcome varying opinions and rebuke any subsequent assertions that you are racist because you don't necessarily welcome a large influx of new residents, let alone ones who may be culturally difficult to assimilate within the local communities ethos and vision. Many people use the racism card to shut down debate and marginalize differing opinions. The often unreasonable call to racism is a call not to productive self awareness but instead an emotionally charged means to emphasize the differences and hopefully mobilize supporters and push opposition into guilty remission.

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